“I recently renovated my house. The roof, floor and wall are insulated, and the windows are renewed. The next step is to apply for subsidies. However, on your website, it seems so easy”. That was what Oliver* told me last week. 
It’s all in the details. Let’s do it together. Applying for subsidies in itself is not so difficult, when you know all the rules and apply them correctly. And, that’s where internationals are struggling. 

You may think:
– It’s not worth applying for subsidies, as I probably won’t get any money back.
– It’s too much trouble to ​do.
– Why put time and effort in a request for subsidy? It’s not worth it. 

But, what when I tell you that this client will get €3000 back from the government? It just took 2 hours of work, completing the invoices, selecting the right pictures and filling in the online form together. Imagine, what you can do with that money. Improve your house, go on a family visit, or finally buy that comfortable bed?

Do you also need some help to fill in the form for the subsidies? Send a message here and we will do it together. Saves you a lot of time and hassle.

Why would the Dutch government give you a subsidy for house insulation?

Most of us agree that climate change is a problem. And, that emissions of carbon dioxide are one of the causes. The Dutch government made an agreement on reducing emissions. But need the help of people like you and me. So, the government decided to subsidize measures which can help reduce the use of energy in your house.

On the other hand, we see that climate change can cause extreme drought and wet periods in the Netherlands. Collecting water to use later on, is seen as a good solution.

Subsidies by the municipality

Some municipalities give (extra) subsidies. This is worth investing in, and they can differ very much.

Also, in most municipalities, you can ask for a loan, if necessary. Usually, the rates are very competitive. However, consulting your mortgage advisor may be a good solution too.

If you live in a monument, there are loans available with a very good rate.

Tip: Sometimes the municipality gives a subsidy when you do it yourself. Worth checking.

What you do need to know about requesting a subsidy for your house renovation

You will only receive a subsidy on glass, insulation, and a heat pump. The refund is depending on what measure you take and if it is one or more. If you take at least 2 measures at once, the subsidies will be doubled. On the website of the government, you can read that the estimation that the subsidies cover 15-30% of the costs. In reality, it is a bit less. But still worth applying. In 2024, you can get some extra subsidies if bio-based materials are used for insulation.

When you are planning to buy solar panels, it’s good to know that you won’t pay any V.A.T. So, you don’t need to do a subsidy request for this.

Some rules for applying:

1. You are the house owner

2. Live in the house yourself

3. Insulate very well, regarding the rules of the government. (Check this website!)

4. For every measure, there is a minimum of square metres of material that you need to replace. For example: for glass panes, this is 8m2.

5. You request a subsidy back within 24 months after the work has been carried out from 2023 onwards.

6. The work is carried out by a certified company.

7. It is not a newly built house.

8. Adjustments to your home, like a new dormer or extra window, are not eligible for the subsidies.

I love to get question in my inbox. One of the questions was: I changed my garage into a living space, insulated the roof and walls and changed the glass panes. Can I apply for subsidies? The answer is no. Only the original ground floor will count for subsidies. Others are seen as later additions, and not applicable for subsidies.

This list is not complete. This Dutch governmental website has all the information you need.

The measures you can take


Do you still have single-glass panels in your windows or old double-glass panes? Changing the glass panes to extra insulated (HR++) or triple glass panes can be a good solution to reduce energy. It is even more effective if you need to renew window cases as well. Do you want to know more? Just check this blog.


The most cost-efficient measures you can take are insulating your cavity wall and roof. You will earn it back within 10 years. But also, floor and roof insulation is worth investing in. 

On top of that, there are some rules about professional application of the materials and how thick the insulation must be. This can change per year, as the rules are getting more strict. When renewable materials are used, you will get more subsidies. 

Before you insulate your house, an investigation of the construction, and good advice, are needed. This will help you to gain a good and durable result.

Need to learn more: check this blog!


Is it time to renew the hot water boiler? Are you planning to live for a longer period in your house? In the last years, more sustainable ways of heating a house became also more affordable.

Think about a hybrid heat pump or a full electric way of heating.

As the investment sustainably of heating is more than a normal hot water boiler, you can ask for a subsidy to heat your house sustainably. From 2024 onwards, the energy label of a heat pump needs to be A+ or higher when you want to apply for subsidies. 

Solar panels

From 2023 the V.A.T. on solar panels is abolished. So, you don’t pay any V.A.T. any more. This also means, that there is no subsidy available any more for solar panels.

Sedum roof

A green roof or sedum roof is often subsidized by the municipality. An extra layer of sedum on your roof helps to have some extra insulation in the winter. On the other hand, it absorbs rainwater.

But there are more advantages:

1. It cools the house up to 5 degrees in the summer.

2. The roof will last longer than just a normal flat roof.

For example, Eindhoven will give you a €25.00 per square meter subsidy, when you cover your roof with sedum plants. This is with a minimum of 10 square meters. The costs are around €50.00 – €75.00 a square meter.


Stone tiles out, plants in. That’s the Dutch slogan. Many gardens are full of stones. Of course, there are many advantages to think of. The argument, which is used the most, is that only tile in the garden means no maintenance. Although, weeds still grow.

Stone absorbs no water. And when it rains, the sewerage can overflow. That is the reason why many municipalities subsidize replacing stone with green plants. Check the website of your city or village for more information.

Rain barrel

Even for a rain barrel, you can get some money back. 

Exception: monumental house

Are you living in a monumental house? Then the rules for insulating your house can be different. The first thing to do is asking for a permit of the municipality. There are a lot of possibilities, although the value of the monumental house should be taken into account.

The rules for monumental houses have become more flexible in 2024. 

How do you apply for a subsidy?

First: collect all the invoices, payment proofs, pictures and drawings you have.

Secondly: Check if the invoice contains the right information. Like an insulation measure code, the insulation values etc.

Thirdly: for insulation or installation you go to this website, fill in the forms and log in with your Digid.

Do you also need some help to fill in the form for the subsidies? Send a message here and we will do it together. Saves you a lot of time and hassle. 

With other measures: go to the website from your city or village and follow the instructions there.

Sometimes you need to wait until next year to ask for a subsidy back because the money is used already.

When you have problems financing the improvement of your house, it can be wise to ask your mortgage advisor about the possibilities. There are a lot of possibilities when you want to make your house sustainable, and loaners see it as a good investment.


Are you renovating your house? Do you want to make it sustainable at the same time? Or, just save money on your energy bill? Then, check if there is a subsidy available for your house and situation. This can pay out! In many cases, it can be difficult to fill in the form in Dutch. If you need help and save time with this, just send a message.




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